IV Simpósio sobre Ensino de Português para Falantes de Espanhol

26-10-2010 19:12

IV Simpósio sobre Ensino de Português para Falantes de Espanhol




Prazo para envio de resumos: 15 de Novembro 2010


10 a 12 de Março de 2011

Georgetown University, Washington, DC



Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University

Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida




2.      A revista PLURAL PLURIEL tem o prazer de anunciar seu 6° número, da primavera-verão de 2010, no seu endereço www.pluralpluriel.org

O dossiê, intitulado "Literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa", homenagem a Michel Laban, foi organizado por José Manuel Da Costa Esteves, Chaire Lindley Cintra do Instituto Camões na Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.

A seção "Textes & Documents" acolhe nesse número textos de escritores africanos sobre o amigo e tradutor Michel Laban, bem como um álbum de fotos generosamente cedido pela família. 

Boa leitura e até já!
Equipe editorial de PLURAL PLURIEL
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense - França



3.      Job Opening: 


Assistant or Associate Professor of Portuguese, Cornell University

The Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University is

seeking applications from specialists in Luso-Brazilian

literature and culture (Assistant/Associate Professor level);

candidates demonstrating a principal research emphasis and/or

record of publication in these areas, a strong theoretical

background, interdisciplinary interests, and commitment to

research and teaching are encouraged to apply. Candidates should

have their Ph.D. in hand no later than 06/30/2011.

Send letter of application, C.V., and three letters of

recommendation to Kristina Baier, kmb255@cornell.edu, Department

of Romance Studies, 303C Morrill Hall, Cornell University,

Ithaca, NY 14853-4701. Electronic submissions are encouraged.

Inquiries: Professor Gerard Aching, gla23@cornell.edu.

Applications must be received by November 1, 2010.



4.      Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)  Annual Business Language Conference


Charleston, South Carolina

March 23-25, 2011 in the Doubletree Guest Suites

Deadline for session or workshop proposals:    November 15. 2010

For more information:   https://www.moore.sc.edu/cblc


This conference seeks to link the needs indicated by U.S. business and the professions with the skills of language administrators, instructors, and researchers at all levels (K-12, college and university, and in-service) in the commonly taught languages as well as those languages for which the current needs are critically lacking or are currently in a developing stage.


